There waz once a boy called
Weilong. one day, he waz told to
Eat a packet of chips,
N he did, being the accommodating guy he alwaz is. however,
There waz something fishy about the packet of chips --
Yes! it waz sour!
So, the qn, then, waz to find out why the packet of chips waz sour.
Instead of panicking, he decided to first scrutinize the packet of chips. it waz fine,
Xcept dat the flavour waz SOUR CREAM.
dO u nOe tT u R rAthEr LAME... nTh beTtEr tO dO?? dEn maRk MorE cHi sCripT. *haha* buT iS kiNdA fUnNy lA. n u R reAlli a niTeZ cAt, owAys blOgGiNg aT sUcH a lAte tiMe. woNdeRinG hoW u gEt uP sO eaRly fOr sCh. qN: r U woNdErinG hU iS tIs pErsOn cOmmEnTiNg aBt u?? dEn chEck iT oUt uRselF... *haha* ^_^
9:53 pm
brrr...cold. *ah choo*
2:35 pm
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