Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Reader, brace yourself for another long but highly entertaining & interesting read.

First of all, refresh your memory by referring to this.


1. A new phone. For instance, Nokia N95 or Sony Ericsson K800i. Old but nice models.
- I have already embarked on my quest for a new phone. My present one is giving me loads of nonsense. Whenever I make a call, my battery will immediately go on low batt mode. And that is very very irritating. So, I've since called up Starhub to send me some vouchers (they haven given me any since I signed up with them 3-4 years ago). However, other than the 2 models mentioned, I'm starting to look at other chio-er ones. So we shall see.

2. Some new albums. For instance, Beautiful Seed by Corrinne May, OK by Zhang Zhen Yue, Milubing by Milubing. 
- I bought the Zhang Zhen Yue album. Its quite 'OK'. Some nice sounds there. However, in recent albums, Lee Hom's Gai Bian Zi Ji is still the best. Though you won't find another 'Forever Love' or 'Kiss Goodbye' here, there are some rather catchy yet refreshing tunes. Preaches the message of environment-friendliness as well. A credible attempt, on all counts. JJ's Xi Jie, on the other hand, pales in comparison. Too much (failed) experimentation, I feel. Was gonna get the Corrinne May's album together with Zhang's but it was sold out. Ooh. All the more must get it then.

3. A new watch. For instance, Skin by Swatch.
- 2 (!) new watches!
- Thank you, May-Ann!
- Thank you, Jx, Sl, Wj. Many many pple say its really nice! And I like it lots too.

4. A new book. For instance, Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt, any good Chinese book (fiction).
- Thanks, Lao Mu. I actually quite like essays by some of these authors. Brings me back to my uni days when I had to do a particular module on authors from this era. I enjoyed reading their works, understanding the socio-historical background during the time of writing and how the written word was wielded as a weapon during those times when pple's minds really needed to be set free from age-old customs and traditions that had become obsolete and detrimental to advancement. And I like it that they are short and I can even use them to set exam papers! Also reminded me that I've lost Lu Xun's Na Han and I seriously need to get another copy of it again. (whoever borrowed it from me - return it NOW!)

5. A new pair of sneakers. For instance, good running shoes from Asics. (I should invest in one since I like to run and have signed up for the Sheares Bridge Run and Standard Chartered Run.)
- My foot ached from the present worn-out pair of adidas after my Sheares Bridge Run (12km). Not bad eh, my timing. My overall postition was 241/744. I'll be starting to train for the Std Chart Run next week with my buddy, Jeffrey. I hope we press on. And I will purchase my new shoes. Soon.


6. No more paint or scribblings of my house number outside my flat.
- Well, God did sort of 'drop' money from heaven. Hallelujah! I got a bank loan (finally, given my credit history) and it helped loads to pay off a large part of the debts. So things are easing up a little. Thank you, everyone, who showed concern and wanted to lend me money. It also allowed my dad, mum and I to sit down and discuss amicably how we want to join hands to settle this problem once and for all - together. So I'm thankful to God things are moving and there are mini breakthroughs here and there. And its testament to God's wonderful and timely provision once again.

7. My students who are re-taking the mother tongue o level paper to score the grade they truly deserve.
- Wish Delivery on its way. Will be granted on 31st Oct. Revealed in early Feb 2008. Watch this space.

8. PRSSCO to turn into a fun and warm place to learn and grow in.
- Brought CO student leaders to MacRitchie Reservoir recently. They were tasked to find their way to the tree-top walk. It was supposed to be a test of their grit, determination and teamwork. It is hoped that thru' such team-building activities amongst the leaders in CO, unity and camaraderie will be cascaded down to the members and this wish will be fulfilled in due time. Coz Every CO Member Matters (our theme for 07/08). Yeah.

9. Students to truly appreciate their teachers and not turn into nasty devils who think teachers are there for them to play with. (Wake up lah!)
- Erm.. Wish under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience caused (to teachers). Indeed.

10. An authentic and deep hunger for the Word and the Lord's presence.
- Which I hope will grow on me and impassion me further for the following >>

Such simple wants I have.
And YES, contrary to what you may believe, do come true.



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