Thursday, January 20, 2005

ok, there are many reasons for this entry, one of them being i have a 2-hr break from 1130-130. lesson supposed to start 1130, but the teacher change to 130 suddenly.. sianz. another reason is i find the below-mentioned song lyrics really meaningful. they might not be to you, but anyhow, i juz find them cool..

- i particularly like the personification used here

Ginny Owens
songs will fade to silence
stories they will cease
the dust will settle
covering all my selfless deeds
- dun you think its so simply put, yet poignant? i particularly like the use of 'selfless' here. we all like to think that some of the wei da things we do are 'selfless' and 'noble', but but but, when the dust settles, it will still cover all our deeds, selfless or not..



Blogger Sngs Alumni said...

It's spelt "Ginny"... and if you tell me the days that you have a huge break I can hang with you and do long readings (in english, thankfully) since I am supposed to be in school anyway... plus not much longer to hang out with you liao since you're going to practicum soon...

5:45 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi weilong, just founf your blog via mayann's, can i get your msn???

12:33 am


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