Saturday, April 28, 2007

As the Chinese saying goes, "不到长城非好汉". In Xi'an, if you do not go to 华山, then you most probably have made a wasted trip there. Well, I wouldn't have found out this very important truth if I did not step foot on the mountain myself. It wasn't really a must-go in all the travel guides I pored through - most focussed their attention more on the Terracotta Warriors. However, as you shall see later, 华山 is infinitely more magnificent than the Terracotta Warriors, which, to say the least, are rather disappointing after the first breathtaking view. You would need some imagination to make the trip to the Terracotta Warriors worthwhile.

And now for the heart-stopping views of 华山 - you'll have to see it for yourself. A picture speaks a thousand words. And eight thousand, therefore, if I have eight pictures. Hah.

Stairway to heaven.

The steps were really slippery and contrary to popular belief, it was actually more arduous a journey to go down than to climb up. Coz you had to control your leg muscles and land carefully on each step down in order not to slip. I almost did and would have fallen into an abyss, if not for my friend who 拉了我一把 and keeps harping on her great deed of 'saving my life'.

These 'lovers locks' appeared in Amazing Race before. The contestants had to use a key to find the fitting lock and unlock it. I think one team got delayed really badly coz of this station. The red strips you see are actually used by amateur mountain climbers to tie around their shoes, thus increasing friction so they wouldn't slip so easily. We thought it looked silly, so none of us did likewise.

Its like being in heaven among the clouds. 漫步云端. This picture now resides proudly on my laptop as the resident wallpaper.

Behold. Beauty. Bo way gong.

Behind those red doors, you'll actually find a Macs. Imagine all the hard labour they went thru juz to put the world's most popular fast-food chain on this mountain. Which explains the pix below.

McIce, they call it. Free-flow, self-service as well, like in S'pore. Coupled with soggy fries, they taste fantastic. Hahah, gotcha! You just got 'lame-d'. Those were leftover fries from the morning's breakfast. We brought them there to pose.

~ ~ ~

And finally, a picture of the, erm.. Terracotta Warriors. 兵马俑. This is the actual site where the Terracotta army was first excavated. Legend has it that each sculpture is different from the one beside it and they were modelled after real soldiers during 秦始皇's times. Some even went as far to say that real humans were 'mummified' alive in clay in order to get the different facial expressions. These were expressed in such great details that even the creases on their foreheads and clothing, the way their hair was bun up and the direction their moustaches were pointing were all different. However, (overheard from a guide) its probably more believeable that the faces were modelled after fellow sculptors of those days - they couldn't have gotten a whole army to stand there all day long just to be sculpted. It was a lot more easier for the sculptors - the creme of the crop in those days - to use each other as models. Makes sense.



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