Friday, September 28, 2007

Shh.. what I am going to tell you and what you are going to see is of top secrecy. It belongs to the for-your-eyes-only level of confidentiality.

It is this secret water body that I chanced upon many years ago. I was gazing afar from the corridor outside my aunt's house then and I made this amazing discovery which I initially took to be bedok reservoir. However, it looked too raw and untouched to be bedok reservoir (you should seriously check out bedok reservoir these days - totally changed). Thus on one of those days when I felt adventurous, I ventured out into the unknown and 发现新大陆. Today, many years later, I retraced my steps and stepped foot onto this land unknown to many once again.

Well, to further keep you guys in suspense, I shall provide the directions first. Here's the exact location: (remember, shh..)

As you orientate yourself to the map, you should see Temasek Polytechnic. On its left, you should locate Tampines Avenue 10. That is the amazing shortcut that links bedok reservoir to tampines. At the junction of Tampines Avenue 10 and Tampines Avenue 1 (along which Temasek Polytechnic lies), you will find a 'bashed-through' path. There will be no roads nor pathways entering this secret place. Neither will there be signboards (except those of the same nature as the one shown above) giving you directions. You'll have to use your intuition. In any case, if you go in the evening (which I highly recommend, for the beautiful views), the sun glistening in the water can be seen as you draw near. So its quite easily found. That's one of the 'ENTER HERE's on the map. The 2nd 'ENTER HERE' is found on Tampines Industrial Avenue 1. Now, this road is not found on the map - it wasn't there until recently. Its not even in use yet. That is why I can take photos like these:

So as you turn into Tampines Industrial Avenue 1, you'll have to walk (though I recommend cycling, coz then you'll feel like you are cycling through the countryside some summer evening - very cool) about 100m before turning left into the vegetation. You'll have to bash a little and there you'll gaze upon the following beautiful sight, with the evening breeze blowing in your face, guaranteed: (in fact, you can even hear the wind in the clip)

For the rest of the pix, check back here again soon!
Hahah, 吊胃口.



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