Top 5 stunts students perform during exams - when they have finished their papers and yet refuse to check thru their answers or try to think of answers to questions they cannot answer:-
(a) roll up unused foolscap papers - length-wise - until it becomes a thin strip. then try to tie it into a ribbon. meticulously, pls.
(b) use the ruler and try to flatten the already flat or smoothen the already rough edge of the desk by scraping strips after strips of 'skin' off the table. 'ouch!', i could almost hear the table cry. terribly tormented table.
(c) doodle/graffitize/beautify/artify the otherwise plain and boring question paper - with pix of possible tattoo patterns, comic characters, gf/bf/dream-girl/dream-boy, profile of classmate/crush sitting 3 tables away, someone else's name, etc etc etc..
(d) sleep, with head on one hand, out-stretched. then try to ga jiao the person in front by 'accidentally' touching the chair or the shoulder or the head..
(e) fidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidgetfidget..
on the other hand..
Top 5 stunts students perform before exams - when they have yet to begin the papers but are eager to perfect their answers or try to think of answers to questions they think might come out in the exam:-
(a) sms-ing answers to teacher(s) to see if they have answered the question correctly.
(b) sending scanned pieces of work via email to teacher(s) for the teacher to grade and comment.
(c) meeting up teacher(s) on a sunday(!) for some last-minute work together.
(d) willing to do many many extra pieces of essays - much more than what is expected by the sch.
(e) diligentdiligentdiligentdiligentdiligentdiligentdiligentdiligentdiligent..
Of coz, any single student can belong to both of the abovementioned groups at the same time - they are not mutually exclusive. but as ive mentioned to quite couple of my classes - 勤能补拙. so its prolly betta to be in the 2nd grp rather than the 1st.
happy holidays.