Thursday, July 19, 2007

I realized there are more people than I expect who read my blog. Students can come up to me and make fun of my url. Even students I least expect to read actually confess they read my blog. Flattered, I truly am, no matter for whatever reason you visit my blog.

If you notice, its been awhile since I mused about life. My previous few posts have been nothing short of just superficial details (oxymoron) of what's going on in my life recently. If I may attempt to dig deeper now, I believe the Lord has been ploughing the soil of my heart recently and sowing some seeds, which I hope will germinate and blossom in due time and make me more like Jesus. One of these seeds is the idea of utilizing my God-given talents, gifts, time, resources, etc wisely, lest I become the man with one talent but who did not invest even his single talent wisely. In the end, even what he had was taken away from him. [Read The Story of the Talents here] Indeed, I gleaned from the Word of God recently some words of wisdom to explain why things work in a certain way even in our fallen world - For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. (Matt 25: 29)

Being made in God's image and therefore having traces of God all over us, we too have felt the souring of our noses or aching of our hearts if we were to see someone with such potential, yet squandering it all away. Humans term this inexplicable emotion as Disappointment. And this post is inspired by a couple of my friends who got quite affected by Disappointments recently.

Sometimes, I do not feel like going home to eat the same kind of fried rice with prawns and sausages for dinner. However, because I do not want to disappoint my mum who, I believe, sees cooking for me as a way to show her love and me reciprocating means alot to her, I trod home to gobble up the rice. Otherwise, she might feel that her efforts are being despised. The Fear of Causing Disappointment compels. Or rather, the Fear of Causing Disappointment undergirded by Love compels. Because Love compels.

Yet most of the time, due to the lack of the Fear of Causing Disappointment (or Love - for those with a stronger threshold for mushy words), Disappointment on its own cuts like a sashimi knife - slowly but surely. If you choose to dabble with education, like me, Disappointment comes as frequent as the MRT during peak hours in the morning rush. For me, the greatest Disappointment (which I never fail to reiterate to my students), and therefore the deepest cut (which is not the first one, Sheryl), is seeing someone with potential squandering it away. Sounds familiar? Consider the following cases:

1. Student A dazzles many with the ability to accomplish tasks efficiently and beautifully but Student A also fazes many more others with his uncanny ability to cause trouble for any poor teacher standing in his path of behavioural destruction. I thought he could be a great leader, with the humility to listen to advice and the self-discipline to control his emotions and tongue. But he chose to ignore. I was very disappointed. I gave up caring and told Student A in his face his biggest issue is pride.

2. Student B has the potential to do very well in a certain subject. Yet Student B chooses to just wallow in mediocrity, giving the bare minimum, refusing to utilize his gifting wisely. My heart pained each time I see his talent go to waste - it is akin to holding the treasure in his hands, yet allowing it to slip through his fingers and not being able to keep it within his palms anymore. Yet sometimes, despite the disappointment, I choose to egg him on further, just to try my luck in desperation, only to receive unreciprocative, and sometimes hurtful, words and attitude. This, I call myself 自做贱.

What about hoping for something, yet missing it totally ultimately? That kind of Disappointment can sometimes kill. It kills the hope. It kills the motivation. It kills the desire. It kills the interest. To Students C & D (if you read this, that is), my sincerest apologies. I can only say sometimes, it takes time. Perhaps now is just not the right time for you yet. In due time, I believe you will be prepared and ready.

The amazing thing about Disappointment is that it can be inflicted with such ease and simplicity, yet the damage it can cause can be very major. Recently, Student E did not want to take part in a certain event. I pleaded with Student E, almost to the point of begging, just short of kneeling down and even to the extent of engaging help from Student E's good friends. However, Student E chose to stab knife after knife of Disappointment. I banked on our relationship as bargaining chips to garner Student E's participation, yet even that did not work. Then I proposed to Student E that perhaps Student E can take it as showing grace to a stranger (since apparently there was no relationship to fall back on already) - even when we see someone needy along the roadside, we might be very tempted to help. I really retreated back to where I could reverse no more. Even then, that did not help. [In the end, Student E did relent and I can only attribute it to God moving his heart, because in my desperation, all I could do was pray.] This incident really left a deep cut in my life, causing me and many others to be really Disappointed.

Finally, from the point of view of a teacher and speaking to all students out there and this is not a desperate attempt to earn any sympathy vote, I have this to conclude: Granted, you have your low points of your life and BGR problems and sticky family situations and financial problems and lousy (that's what you think) teachers and piles of irritating homework and what not. But hey, guess what? So do we teachers! I can safely say my (and some, if not many, of your teachers') life is not any less thorny than any of yours out there (For one, I too grew up with my parents apart, like many of you). Yet each day, I pray (and I'm eternally grateful to God for constantly sustaining me) and brace myself for school, only to get Disappointed, Disregarded, Disenchanted many times over (by the same people, no less) and when I reach home, I have to face my own share of Disappointments. It sucks, really. But what do we teachers do? We 自做贱; we return the next day, with softened hearts, to try to help you guys to see and unleash your potential, only to be Disappointed, Disregarded and Disenchanted all over again. Its like being slashed on the same spot over and over and over and over again.

And what do YOU do? You decide.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Sunday, July 08, 2007


Friday, the 13th is supposed to happen next week, on the 13th July. However, it seemed a series of unfortunate events just decided to spring earlier on me this week.
1. (Thankfully,) Monday was a school holiday. If not, God knows what other stunts could have befallen me. Tuesday, I arrived in school to find a post-it on the office desktop - 'Students are not allowed to use this computer'. Apparently, while diligently trying to practise for Oral Examinations with some of my students, I forgot that students should not be allowed into the staffroom. Even if they should be, not so many of them should be let in at one go. Even if only a few come in each time, they should not be allowed to anyhow sit on and leave anywhere the teachers' chairs. And even if they put everything in their proper places before they leave, they should not be allowed to touch things that do not move, ie. the desktop and things on teachers' tables, which translates to no watching of videos on the computers. If anything, it was my fault for not informing the students the undesirable consequences of the actions mentioned above, all of which I did not disallow. So I had to apologise to some of the teachers in my staffroom. Thankfully they were gracious enough to allow me to learn from my mistakes and not make a big hooha out of it.
2. Then, my CCA students did not put up a good show during their rehearsal for a performance. Everyone was downcast and disappointed with themselves. But I have this to say to them:-

Bad Day

Oops, I heard we missed a beat that day
We were so stunned we froze like clay
The mistake threw us into disarray
From then on we just couldn't play

For a moment, I thought I heard 'hurray'
Why they so un-pro, I dunno leh
I thought we could pick up along the way
But alas, we had to end in dismay

Well, sometimes mistakes are like tau huay
You just have to gulp them down either way
Mashed-up or as it's laid on the tray
As long as you do it with seh

So listen up folks, as you now lay
Down whatever happened on Thursday
Pick up your spirits and just say 'chey'
Take it that you had a bad day

Come Tuesday, 10th of two months after May
We'll be gathered in much the same way
This time round, we'll show them who has the final say
Don't play play, I repeat ah, don't play play

3. Then when the students returned late from their rehearsal on Thursday, I could not return the keys to MANY rooms in time. So I decided I will remember to return the following day, which I did - but a tad too late. I arrived in school on Friday morning and returned only SOME of the keys. The rest? I saw them on my table, but decided, against better judgement, that practising for Oral Examinations (again) with my students was more important. So I left the keys there happily and proceeded on with practising for the Oral Exams and then my lessons. By the time my whole slew of lessons ended at 11am, meteorites had already struck earth, bounced off and struck earth again, ie disaster had struck, without me knowing, many times over liaoz. Apparently, and obviously, some teacher(s) needed the keys which I were holding to open rooms so they could conduct lessons. And we are talking about formal, in-the-timetable, takes-precedence-before-all-things lessons here. And there began a frantic search for the keys, but to no avail, obviously. To cut the long story short, it was only when I returned the keys that I realized the gravity of the situation. The VP was duely unhappy and she made a mention of this fiasco during the staff meeting in the afternoon, which I did not attend due to Oral Examinations (again!) commitments. However, I did 'confess my sins' to her the moment I found out my mistake. My bad, I admit. I should have returned ALL the keys the first thing in the morning.
4. And while 'confessing my sins', I realized I made another boo-boo by applying for a course that will take place during lesson time, which means I'll have to miss school in order to attend the course. Actually, I know very clearly in my mind that I should only apply for courses after lesson time, so I'm still bewildered why I did not do that. Its either the timing of the course was not clearly stated and I assumed or I was just in a daze when I was applying for the course. And to think I was still excited about the happening course. Now I just feel rather guilty.
5. To top it all off, I had to be at 2 places at the same time on Saturday - my home class' CIP and CO practice. Initially the plan was to go for CO first, then rush down to CIP. However, something cropped up and I had to go for CIP AND CO at the same time. But according to all natural laws, I could not do that (and I also, sadly, do not live in a fairytale world). So I had to rush down to school to open doors for CO practice and then rush off for CIP. And it definitely did not help that it was pouring extremely heavily (and irritatingly, especially for that morning), which meant I could not leave my students alone for CIP. So I rushed to school in the heavy rain and then rushed to Pasir Ris in the heavy rain too. And it also did not help that some reporter was coming down to take photos of CO in action, which meant I had to be around. In a nutshell? Just an amazingly mis-matched basket of activities that decided to happen on the same day, amalgamating in a wonderfully disgusting pile of nonsense for me. Thankfully, God is good. He provided a colleague to help stand in for me for CO for that couple of hours. He also provided able student leaders, both in my class and CO, to maintain the situations while I was rushing to reach either sides. Phew.
The lesson learnt here - God definitely has to be in control of all things lah.. If not how to survive such dreadful days (and weeks). So if you still think everything just happens in a chaotic fashion, you've got to be kidding. Wake up! Thank You, Lord, for Your wonderful provision, for watching over me in my sleeping and waking up (I totally did not hear my alarm clock ring one morning - thank God He woke me up in time at 614am), in my coming in and going out. I know for sure all things are held in Your hands and that Your plans are sovereign, at all times.
Disclaimer: I do not believe in superstitions. They are added in for fun.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007