the title of this post is kinda reminiscent, coz i first started out blogging during a certain module's lesson in nie. well, altho i am now most certainly not in nie anymore, i am definitely in a sch. now. at 1915 hrs. on a sat eve.
this is a real school.
and it is a real sch not bcoz it has students and teachers, and learning and teaching takes place in each and every one of the classrooms every period of the day, 5 days a week, 10 weeks a term.
this is a real school.
this is a real sch bcoz you have to update the attendance of your form class once every few wks in a system of which part of its name sounds remotely like a farm animal.
this is a real sch bcoz you might have to rush to set, administer, mark, give out 2 essay assignments in 2 wks. FOR EACH OF YOUR CLASSES. and you have FOUR.
this is a real sch bcoz each of the essays, as mentioned above, does not appear anywhere like those you see in assessment bks sold in book stores, with fancy names like 'model compositions for XXX', or 'an a-grade essay in 10 wks'
this is a real sch bcoz everything grabs at you for your attention - cca. students quarelling with cca instructors. students not coming for cca. sending students for detention. scolding cca students 5 mins before and entering a class with the same students 5 mins after, as their subj teacher, looking totally calm, as tho nothing had happened 5 mins ago.
this is a real sch bcoz you collect money fr your students for everything fr story bks to entrance fees for certain progs to fees for some comp cse
this is a real sch bcoz students do everything in the classrm, except study and listen to your lessons.
this is a real sch bcoz students discuss with you abt everything under the sun - like your dress sense, your specs, your hair, your bag, your cca, your voice, your handwriting, your words, your fav singer, your msn nick, your email addy - all, except the subj you are teaching.
this is a real sch, finally, bcoz I, a REAL TEACHER, am in it.